Our elders are indispensable. In an increasingly individualistic society, we have the obligation to preserve their values, their stories and to offer them a fun space where they can enjoy their well-deserved rest. Today we introduce you to a place that you have probably passed by many times without paying attention to it: the Center for Active Participation of the Senior Citizens of Estepona.
What is an active participation center?
The objective of an Active Participation Center is to facilitate the well-being, personal relationships and integration of our elders. All persons over 60 years of age with their spouses or domestic partners can register. Also all eligible pensioners. But it is one thing to be a member and quite another to have access to the center.
Can I enter if I am not retired?
Of course. You can stop by anytime and have breakfast, a cup of coffee, chat with the older people and even, if you’re lucky and it’s a dance day, enjoy a concert. And of course there are pasodobles, but Alaska can also be played at any time.
On the other hand, there is nothing more enriching than having a good time with the most experienced people in this world. And there is no better way to combat loneliness than with a relaxed chat. In the generational exchange, it’s a win-win situation. If you haven’t tried it, you don’t know what you’re missing.
Prices regulated by the Junta de Andalucía.
The maximum prices for this type of center are regulated by law. There is a list of beverages and meals established directly and in that bar nothing can be offered without prior approval by the Board of Governors. This guarantees affordable prices adapted to the reality of retirees.
To give just a few examples: a soft drink costs 1 euro, a serrano ham sandwich costs 2.30 euros and a toast or a smurf of cured cheese costs 1.80 euros. In addition, holders of the Andalucía Junta Sesentaycinco Card in its Green and Gold modalities will pay a maximum of 4.83 euros for the daily menu.
* Tapas and rations will not be offered in the economic proposal; only the table of beverages will be offered, without exceeding the maximum prices determined therein. The prices of beverages not included in this list, as well as the kitchen services (menus, rations, tapas, etc.) provided by the successful bidder, must be approved by the Management of the Center, after consultation with the Governing Board.
What kind of activities are there?
All kinds of social activities are held at the center. Perhaps the ones that raise the most interest are those involving live music. You’ll see, there are much less lively discos. Workshops and all kinds of recreational and cultural activities are also held.
What services does it offer?
Possibly the most demanded service is the dining room, which is open from Monday to Friday in order to serve meals to all the elderly people who request it. As a rule, with a minimum of ten covers requested, any Active Participation Center of the Junta de Andalucía must provide the service. In Estepona, this minimum quota is always covered, so the service is guaranteed.
These centers also offer legal advice and support services for the elderly in the use of new technologies.
Undoubtedly, the star service is the bar, the cafeteria of the day center. The truth is that it is a pleasure to see the devotion and the permanent smile of everyone behind the bar. From here, our thanks for taking care of our elders.
Did you know that...
You can order the menu by phone or whatsapp and pick it up or have it delivered to eat it at home.
Phone: 615 31 17 40
Where is the Active Participation Center of Estepona?
If you have the opportunity, stop by to see the center. Here is their address and contact details.
Calle Zurbarán, 7 (Barriada El Cid)
29680 – Estepona
Phone: 670 940 759
Email: cpa.estepona.ma.cipsc@juntadeandalucia.es
Opening hours of the Day Care Center of Estepona.
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 to 15:00h.
Every Friday from 17:00 to 19:45h, dance with live music.